
News on regenerative agriculture


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Field Guide

Discover the technical objectives and processes proposed by ZERYA regenerative.

What crops are the most recommended?2023-10-06T01:46:51+02:00

Regenerative agriculture focuses on soil health and biodiversity. Some of the crops recommended for regenerative agriculture are fruit and citrus trees. Additionally, crop rotation is a common practice in regenerative agriculture and can help improve soil health.

What is the difference between Regenerative and Organic Agriculture?2023-07-07T09:57:16+02:00

Organic farming and regenerative farming share some principles and practices, but regenerative farming focuses on creating sustainable and regenerative agricultural systems that promote biodiversity and restoring healthy ecosystems, while organic farming focuses on the production of foods without the use of synthetic chemicals. Although organic farming refers to a broader term, which includes different types of agriculture that, such as regenerative agriculture, minimize the impact of agricultural activity on the land.

How does Europe’s 2030 Agenda work?2023-07-10T12:54:51+02:00

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is a roadmap towards a new development paradigm in which people, the planet, prosperity, peace and alliances take a central role.

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Solutions and services

A comprehensive diagnosis of soil and plant health, through laboratory analysis and direct observation.

An intervention proposal that includes recommendations on soil management, irrigation, fertilization, pest and disease control, pruning, harvesting and post-harvest.

Continuous improvement monitoring and periodic evaluation of results, with adjustments and improvements as needed.

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