Personalized support for each crop.

We know what the reality of the field is. The balance between health, sustainability and profitability is a challenge... They have already achieved it.


Committed producers

“Achieving a balance in the ecosystem in order to obtain a reduction in production costs in the long term.”

Marta Soveral, Agronomic Engineer,

¿What does ZERYARegenerativabring you?

  • Differentiation of agricultural products with positive impact

  • Conversion to regenerative agricultural land
  • Diversification of agronomic practices

  • Personalized follow-up programs with various points of voluntary compliance for a better adaptation to the production system of each company.

  • New channels and marketing proposals with responsible retailers

What can you get in your 1st cycle?

  • study of agronomic practices and agricultural ecosystem in the year 0

  • Control for input reduction and support for the use of more sustainable tools

  • Implementation of recommendations and working guide with practical examples and compliance models

  • Know your carbon footprint and work to reduce it with different proposals.

Horta Pronta

Horticultural producer, Humberto is able to offer carrots, lettuce and pumpkins in a calcareous land exposed to the Atlantic winds. Since 2021, follow ZERYA’s recommendations

  • Promotes biodiversity with maritime lobularia

  • Respect wildlife

  • Combines different crops

  • Recover your own organic matter for composting


Kiwifruit plantations are very sensitive, and Martinha manages to maintain the balance between production and sustainability by combining traditional techniques with technological solutions.

  • Vegetable coverings

  • Weeding with own livestock

  • Optimization of planting and harvesting periods

  • Aportes fitosanitarios sin residuos de pesticidas


The Cooperative’s agronomists implement customized regenerative solutions for its members:

  • Irrigation optimization

  • Strict control of phytosanitary treatments

  • Elimination of XXXX

  • Global farm management through Crop App.

Horta Pronta

Horticultural producer, Humberto is able to offer carrots, lettuce and pumpkins in a calcareous land exposed to the Atlantic winds. Since 2021, follow ZERYA’s recommendations

  • Promotes biodiversity with maritime lobularia

  • Respect wildlife

  • Combines different crops

  • Recover your own organic matter for composting


Kiwifruit plantations are very sensitive, and Martinha manages to maintain the balance between production and sustainability by combining traditional techniques with technological solutions.

  • Vegetable coverings

  • Weeding with own livestock

  • Optimization of planting and harvesting periods

  • Aportes fitosanitarios sin residuos de pesticidas


The Cooperative’s agronomists implement customized regenerative solutions for its members:

  • Irrigation optimization

  • Strict control of phytosanitary treatments

  • Crop management during the conversion period

  • Global farm management through Crop App.

Why regenerate your farmland?

Regenerative agriculture has many benefits for the environment and the economy. Some of the benefits include:

  • Improves soil health in its chemical, physical and biological quality.
  • Increases biodiversity.
  • Reduces dependence on chemical inputs.
  • Increases the resilience of the agricultural system.
  • In Europe, regenerative agriculture is becoming an increasingly popular practice due to its ability to improve soil quality and reduce reliance on chemical inputs. It can also help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and enhance biodiversity.
  • Preserves and enhances biodiversity

We accompany you in the transformation of your agricultural product.

¿What does ZERYARegenerativabring you?

  • Differentiation of agricultural products with positive impact

  • Conversion to regenerative agricultural land

  • Diversification of agronomic practices

  • Customized follow-up programs

  • New channels and marketing proposals with responsible retailers

What can you get in your 1st cycle?

  • Year 0 cropland quality survey

  • Control of sustainable inputs and phytosanitary products

  • Implementation of recommendations, best practices and general regulations

What crops are the most recommended?2023-10-06T01:46:51+02:00

Regenerative agriculture focuses on soil health and biodiversity. Some of the crops recommended for regenerative agriculture are fruit and citrus trees. Additionally, crop rotation is a common practice in regenerative agriculture and can help improve soil health.

What is the difference between Regenerative and Organic Agriculture?2023-07-07T09:57:16+02:00

Organic farming and regenerative farming share some principles and practices, but regenerative farming focuses on creating sustainable and regenerative agricultural systems that promote biodiversity and restoring healthy ecosystems, while organic farming focuses on the production of foods without the use of synthetic chemicals. Although organic farming refers to a broader term, which includes different types of agriculture that, such as regenerative agriculture, minimize the impact of agricultural activity on the land.

What role does the community play in promoting sustainable and regenerative agricultural systems?2023-07-10T12:49:52+02:00

The community can play an important role in promoting sustainable and regenerative agricultural systems through education and promotion of sustainable agricultural practices.

How can I start implementing Regenerative Agriculture in my field?2023-07-07T09:55:57+02:00

Some regenerative agriculture practices that you can implement on your farm are: covering the soil with plant material to protect it and maintain life within it, rotating crops to improve soil health and reduce erosion, using organic fertilizers to improve fertility of the soil and reduce dependence on chemical fertilizers, promote biodiversity through the introduction of natural solutions. Additionally, you can also plant cover crops year-round to prevent bare soil and mitigate erosion.


General Regulations ZERYARegenerativa

Evaluation of regenerative agriculture practices to increase sustainability in agricultural production.

ZERYA Academy

We offer studies of real open field productions in farms, plots, land and greenhouses. Applicable and with scientific methodology

Year zero audits

This report will serve as a starting point for future improvements. This report will be the result of the year 0 study that ZERYA will carry out in each of the producers.

Table of recommended active ingredients

The component of any plant protection product, which kills or controls the target pest.

European Regulatory Report

Council on the European agri-food regulatory framework under the common agricultural policy (CAP)

Financial assistance lines (eco-regimes, etc…)

Study of public financing projects of the Ministry of Agriculture and the European CAP, as well as the construction of strategic alliances in the agri-food sector.

Find more tools for producers

Other tools


Mobile application for crop management

Monitoring of the latest technologies

We keep up to date with the latest news from manufacturers.

Personalized advice

Our team of agronomists and specialists listens to you.

Tailor-made solutions

Solutions from some are also useful for other members of our community.

Do you want to know more?

In addition to

List of recommended products

Certified products ZERYA.

Operational groups

Recommendations between regions and different crops

Solutions and services

Through field data, we help you in the diagnosis of your needs.

We share our experience in order to increase agronomic efficiency.

We focus on your real needs.

¿Quieres saber más sobre nuestros servicios?

Hacemos producción sostenible