We promote a responsible purchasing chain.

We align the reality of the field with that of the purchasing centers through a tailor-made program. Since the first production cycle.

Purchasing centers2023-10-06T00:55:43+02:00

ZERYARegenerativa certification takes root in Europe


For more than 14 years, ZERYA has been working for a sustainable food supply in Europe, that is why we evolve with the value chain and the growing environmental awareness of both distributors and customers to propose integrated solutions.

Aligned with the reality of the field and the SDGs, the ZERYARegenerativa program we are implementing responds to 4 fundamental objectives:

  • Combating soil erosion
  • Protecting and enhancing biodiversity
  • Reducing carbon footprint
  • Limit food waste.

The program is available for both purchasing centers and retailers and includes:

  • Accompaniment
  • formation
  • implementation follow-up.

It is time to take action, Farmers have only 7 campaigns to make their transition according to the Countryside to European Table strategy before 2030.

In environmental terms, mitigation is no longer enough. It is time to regenerate.

Down-to-earth accompaniment program

At ZERYARegenerativa we jointly develop a continuous production program designed together with the purchasing centers, based on key sustainability objectives through continuous improvement.

  • We evaluate the producer’s reality.
  • We define global strategies.
  • We set realistic and measurable objectives.
  • We are committed to the medium and long term through continuous improvement.
  • We sensitize the purchasing chain to the challenges of the 2030 Agenda.
  • We accompany producers in their process.

¿What does ZERYARegenerativabring you?

  • Sustainable and environmentally friendly horticultural production

  • Differentiated horticultural products

  • More than 40 protocolized crops, ranging from fruit to vegetables, oil and wine.

  • Historical data analysis and management and decision support for the producer.

  • Implementation through the technical departments of the plant, accompanied by the ZERYARegenerativa team.

What can you get in your 1st cycle?

  • study of agronomic practices and agricultural ecosystem in the year 0

  • Control for input reduction and support for the use of more sustainable tools

  • Implementation of recommendations and working guide with practical examples and compliance models

  • Know your carbon footprint and work to reduce it with different proposals.


Compliance deadlines

Progress to 3 years

Performance audits

Third party audit


Efficient and sustainable production

Integrated process

4 strategic and complementary objectives.

Responsible Purchasing Test in 10 questions :

Do you know the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda?
Do you apply measures in favor of the SDGs in your agri-food business?
SDG 1 (End Poverty): You invest a % of your profit in actions in favor of the SDGs.
SDG 2 (Zero Hunger): You implement a food waste control protocol.
SDG 4 (Quality education) SDG 17 (Partnerships to achieve the goals): Raise your customers' awareness of the SDGs.
SDG 1 (End poverty), SDG 8 (Decent work and economic growth), SDG 9 (Industry, innovation and infrastructure): You have fair price policies for producers.
SDG 8 (Decent work and economic growth), SDG 13 (Climate action): Privilege domestic and local producers of fruit and vegetables.
GDS 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production): You apply energy efficiency measures throughout the supply chain.
GDS 13 (Climate Action): You propose sustainable and seasonal product ranges.
GDS 13 (Climate Action): You measure the environmental impact of your activity. Calculation of carbon footprint, water footprint...

We want to get to know you better. From installing solar panels to protecting biodiversity...we all contribute to the SDGs, tell us your story.

What is the difference between CSR and the SDGs?2023-07-10T12:58:27+02:00

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are two different but related concepts. CSR refers to the responsibility of companies to operate in an ethical and sustainable manner, taking into account the social and environmental impact of their operations. The SDGs are a set of global goals adopted by the United Nations to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030.

Although CSR and the SDGs have similar objectives in terms of sustainability and social responsibility, they are different concepts. CSR focuses on a company’s ethical and sustainable business practices, while the SDGs focus on broader global goals for sustainable development. However, CSR can be an important way that companies contribute to the SDGs by adopting sustainable and responsible business practices.

How can I contribute and implement the SDGs?2023-07-10T12:57:16+02:00

Some ways retailers can contribute to the SDGs include:
• Promote sustainable and responsible business practices.
• Reduce the environmental impact of your operations.
• Promote fair and equitable labor practices.
• Support local communities.

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